
World of warships ijn vs german cruisers
World of warships ijn vs german cruisers

So if you want a good light cruiser, best to look elsewhere The t10 looks ok-ish, otherwise they are all worse than 155 mogami or the IJN AA destroyers. The light cruiser line has lots of guns when you get to high tiers, but slow reload and relatively poor ballistics.

world of warships ijn vs german cruisers

Plus if you want a torp cruiser line, the Pan Asians exist.Īs far as main battery performance, the “real” CLs out dpm the new ones tier for tier, and do it all with better concealment and no citadel. So your target has plenty of time to spot them and dodge if they have any awareness. But as you go up the line, they basically become 12km versions of the IJN 20km ones. And you have a ton of them at high tiers. Sure they have really high damage and flood chance, so if you hit a couple you’ll cripple any target. The problem is the torps aren’t that great anyway. And of course the whole “turning torps” thing being part of their gimmick. That’s what it seems like, especially with the direction some of the testing changes went. Its torps are pretty good, but like you pointed out if you sneeze it blows up so getting into torp range is stupid. I think the intent was to make a torpedo cruiser for some reason. Someone, please, convince me otherwise that this boat is worth it (and hopefully the rest of the line as well.) (And I usually refute this sentiment when I hear it in chat.) Combined with YouTube sentiments I'm seeing from the older CCs, I'm concerned for the future of WoWS. Being seasoned, I'm inclined to point out that this difficulty is probably driving away newer players. I feel that there have been a lot of new lines (including subs) that are VERY difficult to play well. It feels *too* situational and is boring and frustrating to play.

world of warships ijn vs german cruisers

I'd say, "play it like Shima", but its detect is hideous and its torpedo load-out is lacking as well. Pretty much have to hide the entire battle, and even if I'm pounding away and manage to survive, I get mid-leaderboard at best (and - so far - almost always lose the battle). Its OK against DDs, but *worthless* in almost any other situation.

world of warships ijn vs german cruisers

I'm struggling with the design intention for this ship (line?).

World of warships ijn vs german cruisers